Babol University of Medical Sciences ,
Abstract: (378 Views)
Abstract Background:Suicide is a major public health concern, especially among adolescents. This study investigated the prevalence of suicidal thoughts, frustration, and mental health problems among high school students in Babol, Iran. Methods:A cross-sectional study involving 300 high school students in Babol, Iran, was conducted in June 2021. The participants completed a survey including demographic information, the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), and the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSSI). Data analysis was performed via SPSS software version 24, with p<0.05 considered significant. Results:Most of the students (82%) had favorable overall mental health status, with 98.3% reporting good physical health, 92.7% reporting low anxiety levels, 97.3% reporting good sleep quality, and 96.7% reporting positive social functioning. However, 18% of the participants had an unfavorable mental health status. Compared with boys, girls scored significantly higher in terms of physical symptoms, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and social dysfunction (p<0.001).Compared with those from two-parent households, students from single-parent households had higher scores for social functioning and anxiety (p<0.05). The level and intensity of frustration in the moderate to severe range among single parents are greater than those among those who live with both parents (p = 0.04). Conclusion: The findings of this research emphasize the necessity of interventions and support services appropriate for mental health in the family and school environments to meet the needs of mental health, including suicidal thoughts and despair, of adolescents in Babol city.
Emami Hamzehkolaee M, Hamzehpour R, Kheirkhah F, Akbari F S, Gholinia H. Investigating the prevalence of suicidal thoughts, frustration and mental health issues in high school students in Babol city in 2021. CRMS 2024; 8 (2) :21-32 URL: